Breakage “Circumference / Panic Room” (Inperspective) (INP014)
“I’ve just been spending time in the subway, riding in circles. Thinking in circles. There’s no way out. I’ve been over this entire city. […] None of it seems real. It’s like I’ve just been dreaming this life, and when I finally wake up, I’ll be somebody else, somebody totally different.”
“Men anger the gods with their pride, and in order to punish them, the gods looked on as Pandora opened her box letting chaos loose. And now […], mythology will become reality.”
Inperspective maintains the level of quality you’d expect with a 12″ from the prolific Jimmy Breaks. “Circumference” is an energetic, versatile roller with enigmatic film samples that are given the full filter treatment. Plenty of little stop-starts and dropped beats keep things interesting as does the massive test-tone bass breakdown just begging to be aired on a proper rig. “Panic Room” is deliciously evil, employing ferocious live breaks and subtle, hell-raising screams and pads that shapeshift throughout the entire tune.